Jeg sitter og leser om tilsetningsstoffer på Hvilke tilsetningsstoffer mat inneholder og hvordan disse kan påvirke vår helse, er svært interessant.

Flere og flere får astma, allergi, eksem, mage- og tarmproblemer for eksempel. De fleste vil oppleve kreft på nært hold, enten selv eller hos nære venner eller familiemedlemmer. Dette er sykdommer som settes i sammenheng med røyking, stress, forurensing, livsstil. Men jeg savner et større fokus på og interesse for at  hva maten vi spiser inneholder faktisk kan skape sykdom.

Ta for eksempel myndighetenes kostråd. Står det nevnt at man bør spise så ren og naturlig mat som mulig? Generelt kan vi som befolkning lite om mat. Hvis vi følger myndighetenes kostråd, er det uproblematisk å basere kosten på hel- og halvfabrikat. I kostrådene er det kun nevnt en formulering rundt dette, nemlig at det anbefales at man begrenser inntaket av bearbeidet kjøtt. Forøvrig er det også anbefalt at man bruker magre meieriprodukter. Bare for å nevne det - mager yoghurt er for eksempel full av tilsetningsstoffer.

Jeg tenkte jeg skulle vise dere denne listen jeg fant på enummerguiden. De topp 20 viktigste e-nummerene å unngå og hvorfor. For interesserte anbefaler jeg en titt på e-nummerguiden, samt boka Den hemmelige kokken av Mats-Eric Nilsson.

Et spørsmål til sist. I 1938 ble det publisert forskning på at kreftceller livnærer seg av sukker. Det er altså viktig at kreftpasienter unngår sukker. Vet dere hvorvidt dette er et råd kreftpasienter får?

Top 20 Food Additives to Avoid




E #



Facts you need to know



Red AC

E129 Food coloring in snacks, sauces, preserves, soups, wine, cider, etc. Avoid if you suffer from asthma, rhinitis (including hayfever), or urticaria (hives).
Amaranth E123 Food coloring in wine, spirits, fish roe. Banned in the U.S. Avoid if you suffer from asthma, rhinitis, urticaria or other allergies.
Aspartame E951 Sweetener in snacks, sweets, alcohol, desserts, ~diet" foods May affect people with PKU (phenylketonuria). Recent reports show possibility of headaches, blindness, and seizures with long-term high doses of aspartame.
Benzoic acid E210 Preservative in many foods, including drinks, low sugar products, cereals, meat products. Can temporarily inhibit the function of digestive enzymes. May deplete glycine levels. Avoid ifyou suffer from asthma, rhinitis, urticaria or other allergies.

Black BN

E151 In drinks, sauces, snacks, wines, cheese, etc. Avoid if you suffer from asthma, rhinitis, urticaria, or other allergies.
Butylated Hydroxy-anisole E320 Preservative, particularly in fat-containing foods, confectionery, meats. The International Agency for Research on Cancer says BHA is possibly carcinogenic to humans. BHA also interacts with nitrites to form chemicals known to cause changes in the DNA of cells.
Calcium benzoate E213 Preservative in many foods, including drinks, low-sugar products, cereals, meat products. Can temporarily inhibit function of digestive enzymes and may deplete levels ofthe amino acid glycine. Should be avoided by those with hay fever, hives, and asthma.
Calcium sulphite E226 Preservative in a vast array of foods-from burgers to biscuits, from frozen mushrooms to horseradish. Used to make old produce look fresh. In the U.S., sulphites are banned from many foods, including meat. They can cause bronchial problems, flushing, low blood pressure, tingling, and anaphylactic shock. The International Labour Organization says avoid them ifyou suffer from bronchial asthma, cardiovascular or respiratory problems and emphysema.
Monosodium glutamate (MSG) E621 Flavor enhancer. Has been known to cause pressure on the head, seizures, chest pains, headache, nausea, burning sensations, and tightness of face. Many baby food producers have stopped adding MSG to their products.
Ponceau 4R, Conchineal

Red A

E124 Food coloring. People who suffer from asthma, rhinitis or urticaria may find their symptoms become worse following consumption of foods containing this coloring.
Potassium benozoate E212 See calcium benzoate. See calcium benzoate.
Potassium nitrate E249 Preservative in cured meats and canned meat products. It can lower the oxygen-carrying capacity of the blood; it may combine with other substances to form nitrosamines, which are carcinogenic; and it may have an atrophying effect on the adrenal gland.
Propyl p-hydroxybenozoate, propylparaben, and paraben F216 Preservative in cereals, snacks, pate, meat products, confectionery. Parabens have been identified as the cause of chronic dermatitis in numerous instances.
Saccharin & its

Na, K and Ca salts

E954 Sweetener in diet, and no-sugar products. The International Agency for Research on Cancer has concluded that saccharin is possibly carcinogenic to humans.
Sodium metabisulphite Preservative and antioxidant. May provoke life-threatening asthma.
Sodium sulphite E221 Preservative used in wine-making and other processed foods. Sulphites have been associated with triggering asthma attacks. Most asthmatics are sensitive to sulphites in food.
Stannous chloride (tin) E512 Antioxidant and color-retention agent in canned and bottled foods, fruit juices. Acute poisoning has been reported from ingestion of fruit juices containing concentrations of tin greater than 250 mg per liter.
Sulphur dioxide E220 Preservative. Sulphur dioxide reacts with a wide range of substances found in food, including various essential vitamins, minerals, enzymes and essential fatty acids. Adverse reactions: bronchial problems particularly in those prone to asthma, hypotension (low blood pressure), flushing tingling sensations or anaphylactic shock. International Labour Organization says to avoid E220 if you suffer from conjunctivitis, bronchitis, emphysema, bronchial asthma, or cardiovascular disease.
Sunset Yellow

FCF, Orange

Yellow S

E110 Food coloring. Some animal studies have indicated growth retardation and severe weight loss. People with asthma, rhinitis, or urticaria should avoid this product.
Tartrazine E102 Yellow food coloring. May cause allergic reactions and asthmatic attacks and has been implicated in bouts of hyperactivity disorder in children. Those who suffer from asthma, rhinitis and urticaria may find symptoms worsen after consumption.